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Melanotan II (MT2) peptide

A tan always looks great and at Holos Medical Spa, we can get you a tan without hours in the sun, without having to use dangerous tanning beds, and without the orange look as your spray tan fades.

Melanotan II is an injectable tanning peptide. This injectable peptide increases the melanin in the skin and can produce an all over tan look without sun exposure ,or with very limited sun exposure.


more about Melanotan II

In addition to the golden tan this injectable treatment can provide, Melanotan II Peptide has additional benefits as well:

  • Supports Melanogenesis.
  • Supports Tanning
  • Photoprotective
  • Lessens appetite and improves lipid and glucose regulation
  • Libido enhancement (more of a side effect at a high dose)
  • Metabolic Support: Lipolytic, appetite control, anti-inflammatory, lowers oxidative stress
  • Induces enhanced thermogenic and anorexic responses
  • Helps improve glucose and cholesterol metabolism
  • Supports Immunity 
  • May help Autoimmune conditions


  • How does Melanotan II work?

    Melanotan II (MT2) is designed to help stimulate the body’s responses to the sun without exposing the body to the harmful rays of the sun. 

    This is a great alternative for people that have a light complexion and burn easily, or for those who just like the look and feel of being tan. 

    Patients have experienced the tanning of the skin at a quicker pace without having to damage the skin cells. This will greatly reduce and minimize the risk a person has for developing skin cancer.

  • How is Melanotan II administered?

    MT2 is a peptide that is prescribed by a doctor that specializes in peptides. 

    It is supplied in a dried powder form and is reconstituted into a solution and then injected in small amounts under the skin. 

    It is injected through a small insulin needle so the discomfort is minimal. Once it is injected, it is rapidly absorbed. This will allow it to spread throughout the body for an even tan.

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